EDGEWATER MEMBERSHIP Supports a Stronger Neighborhood
The Edgewater Neighborhood Association was established in 1979 to create a greater sense of community and provide resources that help keep Edgewater a beautiful, safe, and inviting place to live.
Your annually-renewable $30/household (suggested donation) Membership fee supports:
Seasonal Neighborhood Activities including the Easter Egg Hunt, Annual Garage Sale, 4th of July Festivities in Oxford Park, and Luminaria (including Luminaries placed in public places like the Auburn Street Bridge)
Snow Plow Fund: The City does not plow Edgewater’s many alleys, so as a neighborhood we pool our resources and contract with a plow service to keep those alleys clear all winter long;
Watering planters on Auburn Street and the north side of Auburn Street Bridge;
Printing and postage for neighborhood mailings;
Signs advertising neighborhood activities.
You may also choose to make an additional donation to Edgewater, providing even more support for our neighborhood activities and the Snowplow Fund.
Thank you for your Membership and for helping Edgewater continue to be the vibrant, unique neighborhood we can be proud to call home!
**Prefer to pay by check? Mail your check made out to Edgewater Neighborhood Association to PO Box 515, Rockford, IL 61105. Please include your email address and mailing address along with your payment; this will ensure your membership is accounted for completely and so that you may receive neighborhood updates. We will never sell or share your email address; it will only be used for neighborhood communication.